Glossaire / Termes nautiques (en anglais)

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  • Apparent wind

    The perceived wind direction of a moving yacht. When the yacht goes faster, the perceived wind direction moves forward, just as the wind always seems to hit a car only from head-on as it drives at high speeds.

    Sailing terms
  • Astern

    Behind the boat.

    Sailing terms
  • Backstay

    A cable that runs from the top of the mast to the stern of the yacht; it may be adjustable in order to bend the mast backward or to increase tension on the forestay.

    Sailing terms
  • Ballast

    Weight in the keel of a boat to add stability (righting moment).

    Sailing terms
  • Batten

    Thin strips of rigid composite material inserted into pockets in the sails.

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  • Beam

    A boat's greatest width.

    Sailing terms
  • Bear away

    Turn downwind.

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  • Beat

    Sail a zigzag course to make progress into the wind.

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  • Berth

    a) The place where you put the boat on a dock.

    b) Bunk or sleeping quarters.

    Sailing terms
  • Bilge

    The lowest part of a boat's hull.

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  • Block

    A pulley used for hoisting sails, etc.

    Sailing terms
  • Boom

    Spar (rigid pole) at the bottom edge of the sail

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  • Boom vang

    Tackle running between the boom and the deck, which holds the boom down

    Sailing terms
  • Bow

    Front of the boat

    Sailing terms
  • Bowman

    The crew member in charge of sail changes and keeping a lookout on the bow at the start

    Sailing terms
  • Broach

    When a keelboat sailing on a run capsizes from a strong puff of wind or gets knocked down by a wave

    Sailing terms
  • Bulb

    The lead torpedo shape at the bottom of the keel

    Sailing terms
  • Bulkhead

    A partition to strengthen the frame of a yacht.

    Sailing terms
  • Buoy

    A marker used for navigation, mooring, or racing around.

    Sailing terms
  • Cam cleat

    A mechanical cleat used to hold a line automatically. It uses two spring-loaded cams (teeth) that come together to clamp the line, which is placed between them.

    Sailing terms
  • Canting keel

    Swinging or ‘canting’ the keel from one side of the hull to the other.

    Sailing terms
  • Capsize

    To turn upside down.

    Sailing terms
  • Chainplates

    The metal or composite attachments for shrouds and stays. Part of the hull, connecting the hull with the rig.

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  • Chart

    A map of the ocean and coastline.

    Sailing terms
  • Chute

    A spinnaker.

    Sailing terms
  • Cleat

    A fitting, typically with projecting ends, that holds a line against the tension from the sails, rigging or mooring.

    Sailing terms
  • Clew

    The lower corner of a mainsail, jib or genoa and either lower corner of a spinnaker attached to the sheet.

    Sailing terms
  • Close hauled

    Sailing as near to the wind as you can.

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  • Cockpit

    A recessed area in the deck in which the crew works.

    Sailing terms
  • Code 0

    A tight luff, upwind spinnaker.

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  • Compass

    An instrument that uses the earth's magnetic field to point to the direction of the magnetic North Pole; used by navigators to determine the direction a yacht is heading and to set a course.

    Sailing terms
  • Course

    The direction a yacht is sailing.

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  • Crew

    The team of sailors that sails the yacht.

    Sailing terms
  • Daggerboard

    Retractable board, which lifts vertically up and down below the hull to help reduce sideways drift.

    Sailing terms
  • Deck

    Horizontal surface or platform of a yacht.

    Sailing terms
  • Delaminating

    A failure of the bond between either of the hull's outer and inner skins, and the 'sandwich' spacing material in between - allowing either of the two outer layers to become unstuck from the core.

    Sailing terms
  • Dismast

    To lose, through breakage, all or part of the mast.

    Sailing terms
  • Doldrums

    Area between northern and southern hemispheres characterised by frustrating light winds, major shifts in wind direction and sudden violent squalls.

    Sailing terms
  • Downwind

    The point of sail when the wind blows from aft of the yacht's beam.

    Sailing terms

    Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon.

    There are two types of beacon, one is a transmitter that all boats are required to have onboard. The second is a personal EPIRB that sailors wear so they can be located should they be washed overboard.

    Sailing terms
  • Equator

    Line of latitude at 0 degrees, equal distance from both poles.

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  • Fore

    Towards the front of the boat.

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  • Foredeck

    The area of a yacht's deck that is in front of the mast; also a crew position aboard a racing yacht.

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  • Foresail

    Any sail used between the mast and the forestay.

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  • Forestay

    Wire at the front of the boat helping to hold the mast up.

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  • Fractional rig

    A rig where the headstay does not go to the top of the mast.

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  • Furious Fifties

    An area between 50 degrees and 60 degrees latitude noted for very strong winds and huge seas.

    Sailing terms
  • Galley


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  • Gennaker

    A cross between a genoa and a spinnaker, a foresail used for reaching.

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  • Genoa

    A large foresail that overlaps the shroud base used for sailing upwind; also called a 'genny'

    Sailing terms
  • Gooseneck

    The mechanical device connecting the boom and the mast.

    Sailing terms
  • GPS

    Global Position System.

    Satellite navigation, which gives yachts exact latitude and longitude position.

    Sailing terms
  • Guy

    A rope used to adjust the position of a spinnaker pole.

    Sailing terms
  • Gybe

    To change tack by turning the stern of the boat through the wind.

    Sailing terms
  • Halyard

    Rope used to hoist a sail.

    Sailing terms
  • Head

    a) Toilet/Basin/Shower.

    b) The top corner of a sail that is connected to the halyard.

    Sailing terms
  • Header

    A wind shift during which the wind enters the boat more forward.

    Sailing terms
  • Headsail

    A sail flown between the mast and the bow of the yacht.

    Sailing terms
  • Heel

    A boat 'heels' when it leans over due to the sideways force of the wind.

    Sailing terms
  • Helm

    The person who steers the boat - also the tiller wheel that they steer with.

    Sailing terms
  • Helmsman

    The crew member who steers the yacht; usually also the skipper; also called the 'driver'.

    Sailing terms
  • Hull

    The body of a yacht.

    Sailing terms
  • Inversion

    A capsize where the boat goes completely upside down (turns turtle).

    Sailing terms
  • Jib

    A foresail that fits in between the forestay and the mast.

    Sailing terms
  • Jury-rig

    Emergency rigging with available gear, usually involves a broken mast.

    Sailing terms
  • Keel

    A ballasted appendage projecting below the boat that keeps it from capsizing, which also supplies the hydrodynamic lateral force that enables the boat to sail upwind.

    Sailing terms
  • Kevlar

    Man-made, yellow/brown aramid fibre that is used to make sails or composites for building hulls. In sails it retains its shape better and is lighter than Dacron, but is more expensive. Kevlar is the brand name from DuPont.

    Sailing terms
  • Kite

    A spinnaker.

    Sailing terms
  • Knot

    Measurement of speed.

    Sailing terms
  • Latitude


    Angular distance north or south of the equator, measured from 0 to 90 degrees north or south.

    Sailing terms
  • Layline

    An imaginary line projecting at an angle corresponding to the wind direction from either side of a racecourse marker buoy that defines the optimum sailing angle for a yacht to fetch the mark or the finish line. When a yacht reaches this point, it is said to be 'on the layline'. Going beyond the layline means the yacht is sailing a greater distance to reach the mark or finish line.

    Sailing terms
  • Leech

    Back edge of the sail.

    Sailing terms
  • Leeward

    Opposite side to where the wind is blowing. A leeward yacht is one that has another yacht between it and the wind (opposite of windward).

    Sailing terms
  • Life Raft

    An inflatable craft into which the crew of a yacht transfers if the event of a sinking.

    Sailing terms
  • Lifelines

    Cables which are held in place by stanchions to prevent crew members falling overboard. A 'fence' around the boat on the edge of the deck.

    Sailing terms
  • Lift

    A wind shift during which the wind enters the boat from further back. It allows the helmsman to head up or alter course to windward, or the crew to ease the sheets.

    Sailing terms
  • Lines

    Nautical term for ropes.

    Sailing terms
  • Longitude

    Angular distance east or west of the Greenwich Meridian, measured from 0 to 180.

    Sailing terms
  • Luff

    Front edge of the sail. 'Luffing' means heading the boat directly into the wind.

    Sailing terms
  • Mast

    The vertical spar that holds up the sails.

    Sailing terms
  • Masthead Rig

    A rigging scheme in which the forestay is attached near the top of the mast. See Fractional Rig.

    Sailing terms
  • Match Racing

    A racing format where only two yachts compete at a time, like a boxing match, as opposed to 'fleet racing' where more yachts sail at once.

    Sailing terms
  • Nautical mile

    The unit of geographical distance used on 'salt-water' charts. One nautical mile corresponds exactly to one minute of angular distance on the meridian (adjacent left and right side of a sea chart). This facilitates navigation as it avoids a complicated conversion from angle to distance. One nautical mile equals 1.852 kilometres. 60 minutes equal one degree.

    Sailing terms
  • Navigator

    The crew member who monitors the yacht's location and progress relative to the racecourse and the other yachts.

    Sailing terms
  • Off the wind

    Sailing away from the wind, also downwind, reaching or running.

    Sailing terms
  • Peeling

    Changing from one spinnaker to another.

    Sailing terms
  • Pitman

    Crew member who controls the halyards and mast winches and assists the mast man.

    Sailing terms
  • Pole

    The spinnaker pole.

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  • Pontoon

    Floating jetty to moor your boat to.

    Sailing terms
  • Port

    Left hand side of the boat (facing forwards).

    Sailing terms
  • Port tack

    Sailing with the wind blowing onto the port side and the mainsail on the starboard side.

    Sailing terms
  • Reach/Reaching

    All angles against the wind that are not beating or dead downwind. A close reach has the wind forward of abeam; a beam reach is when the wind is perpendicular to the boat; and a broad reach is when the wind is aft of abeam.

    Sailing terms
  • Reef

    Making the sails smaller in strong winds.

    Sailing terms
  • Rig

    The general term used to describe a yacht's mast and sail combination.

    Sailing terms
  • Rigging

    The wires, lines, halyards, and other items used to attach the sails and the spars to the boat. The lines that do not have to be adjusted often are known as standing rigging. The lines that are adjusted to raise, lower, and trim the sails are known as running rigging.

    Sailing terms
  • Roaring Forties

    The area between 40 degrees and 50 degrees latitude noted for strong winds and large seas.

    Sailing terms
  • Rudder

    Appendage attached to the stern, controls the direction of the boat.

    Sailing terms
  • Run/Running

    Sailing away from the wind with the wind directly behind you.

    Sailing terms
  • Sat-phone

    A satellite telephone. Unlike cellular phones that relay on networks of local antennae, sat-phones send and receive their signals directly to and from orbiting satellites.

    Sailing terms
  • Sched/sked

    Each boat's six-hourly scheduled position report. From schedule, when the boats would have to radio in to compile the daily schedule.

    Sailing terms
  • Screaming Sixties

    Area between 60 degrees and 70 degrees latitude noted for exceptionally strong winds and huge seas and frequent icebergs.

    Sailing terms
  • Sheet

    A line that controls sails and adjusts their angle of attack and their trailing edge.

    Sailing terms
  • Shroud

    A cable or rod that supports the mast sidewise. Shrouds run from the chainplates at deck level on the port and starboard side, to the hounds just below the top of the mast.

    Sailing terms
  • Southern Ocean

    The ocean surrounding the Antarctic continent. The largest uninterrupted water on the earth with the most dynamic weather systems, the highest waves, and the strongest winds (apart from tropical storms).

    Sailing terms
  • Spinnaker

    Big lightweight balloon-shaped sail for faster sailing off the wind. Spinnakers are used when running or reaching, sailing downwind. Also called Kite or Chute.

    Sailing terms
  • Spinnaker Pole

    A pole that is attached to the lower front of the mast to hold one corner of a spinnaker out from the yacht.

    Sailing terms
  • Squall

    The sudden, short-term burst of wind with passing clouds. May be accompanied by rain.

    Sailing terms
  • Stanchions

    Vertical poles that stand on the outer edge of the deck to hold the lifelines.

    Sailing terms
  • Starboard

    Nautical term for the right half of the yacht when facing forward.

    Sailing terms
  • Starboard Tack

    Sailing with the wind blowing onto the starboard side, and the mainsail on the port side.

    Sailing terms
  • Stay

    A rod or wire that supports the mast in a fore/aft position.

    Sailing terms
  • Staysail

    A small sail flown between the mast and the inner forestay.

    Sailing terms
  • Stern

    The rear of the boat.

    Sailing terms
  • Tack

    a) The process of turning the bow of the yacht through the wind and changing the sides of the sails.

    b) The lower corner of a sail that is attached to the yacht.

    Sailing terms
  • Trade wind

    Northeast and southeast winds in the Atlantic blowing continually toward the Equator. Named after the traditional trading ships, which sailed a course using these winds to their advantage.

    Sailing terms
  • Transom

    The flat rear end of a boat, the upper part of which tends to lean forward on modern racers.

    Sailing terms
  • Trim

    To adjust the sail to make it the right shape and angle to the wind.

    Sailing terms
  • True wind

    The actual direction of the wind. Can only be measured on board when the boat is stationary.

    Sailing terms
  • Upwind

    Sailing against the wind at an angle a certain yacht can achieve.

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  • Watch Leader/Captain

    The person in charge of a watch.

    Sailing terms
  • Watches

    Teams within which the crew operates, taking turns to work, sleep and eat.

    Sailing terms
  • Watertight Hatch

    Watertight doors. In the event of a hull breach, the hatches can be closed to seal off compartments on the affected portion of the boat.

    Sailing terms
  • Waypoint

    A specific location as defined by GPS, the Global Positioning System.

    Sailing terms
  • Winch

    A device used to give a mechanical advantage when hauling on the lines.

    Sailing terms
  • Winch Pedestal

    An upright winch drive mechanism with two handles to increase purchasing power.

    Sailing terms
  • Windward

    Against the wind.

    Sailing terms
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