Glosario / Abreviaturas (en inglés)

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  • COG

    Course over ground

    The true direction of progress of a vessel between two points with respect to the surface of the earth. The vessels COG may differ from its heading due to effects of wind, tide and currents.

  • Course

    The latest direction of movement, using the seabed as a reference.

  • DOG

    Distance over ground

    Distance over the ground, measured point to point, in nautical miles.

  • DTF

    Distance to finish

    The distance (in nautical miles) from the boat to the finish line (passing any gates or land that might be in the way) at the time of the position report, measured along the great circle route.

  • DTL

    Distance to lead

    The number of nautical miles closer to the finish that the yacht needs to be to overtake the leader - in other words, the yacht's current Distance To Finish subtracted from the leader's (the leading boat still racing) Distance To Finish.

  • ETA

    Estimated time of arrival

    An estimate (using the available information about the yacht's performance and the anticipated weather provided by Great Circle) of the time the yacht will reach the finish - when the yacht has finished, this will be the actual arrival time.

  • Gain/Loss

    The change in the Distance to Lead since the last position report - a positive number means that the yacht has gained miles on the leader, and a negative number means the leader has moved further ahead.


    Time UTC at position

    UTC Timestamp of when the data was issued in the Position Report.

  • SOG

    Speed over ground

    The true speed of progress of a vessel between two points with respect to the surface of the earth. The vessels SOG may differ from its speed due to effects of wind, tide and currents.

  • Speed

    Speed coming from the last position report, measured at that moment.

  • Status

    RAC=Racing; SUS=Suspended racing; STM=Stealth mode; FIN=Finished;

  • TWA

    True wind angle

    Last measurement of the angle of the boat to the wind

  • TWD

    True wind direction

    The wind direction for a stationary observer

  • TWS

    True wind speed

    The wind speed for a stationary observer

  • VMG

    Velocity made good

    Speed towards the next waypoint averaged over the last course

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