Acerca de la ciudad

Apertura del Race Village: 24 de noviembre de 2017
Fecha estimada de llegada: 27 de noviembre de 2017
Regata In-Port: 8 de diciembre de 2017, 12:00 UTC (14:00 Ciudad del Cabo)
Salida de la etapa: 10 de diciembre de 2017, 12:00 UTC (14:00 Ciudad del Cabo) 

Más información en: 
Descubre aquí las cosas que podrás ver y hacer en nuestro Race Village.

Descárgate los mapas 3D: 
- Mapa del Race Village de Ciudad del Cabo (PDF 1.4MB)
- Mapa del recorrido de la Regata In-Port, en inglés (JPG 2.6MB)
- Mapa del recorrido de la salida de la Etapa 3, en inglés (JPG 2.4MB)

En Ciudad del Cabo hay locura por el fútbol, el cricket, el rugbyy la vela.
El V&A Waterfront será el centro de atención en una ciudad tan loca por el deporte como Ciudad del Cabo con la llegada de la flota de la Volvo Ocean Race al final de noviembre procedente de Lisboa y después de recorrer 7,000 millas.

Ciudad del Cabo, una ciudad arcoiris dentro del país del arcoris, se asienta justo al norte del cabo de Buena Esperanza, al extremo sur de Sudáfrica y del continente africano. La ciudad es el hogar de casi cuatro millones de habitantes que se extienden a lo largo de cientos de kilómetros de una costa impresionante. ¿Ya has reservado tu billete?

© Ainhoa Sanchez/Volvo Ocean Race

La vista de la Table Mountain es una señal familiar de bienvenida para las tripulaciones de la Volvo Ocean Race.
La historia de Ciudad del Cabo con la regata se retrotrae hasta la primera edición de 1973-74, y la ciudad sólo se ha quedado al margen de la ruta un par de veces.

Hablemos del clima…
En noviembre llega el inicio del verano en el hemisferio sur. Solo llueve uno de cada seis días, con una media mensual de 14mm. La temperatura media diaria es de 24C, bajando hasta los 13C por la noche. Hay que ser precavido en las playas de la coste oeste, donde el agua está muy fría. La proximidad de la Antártida juega su papel…

Noticias relacionadas

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Ciudad del Cabo Regata In-Port


© Pedro Martinez/Volvo Ocean Race

Vestas 11th Hour Racing and Dongfeng Race Team traded blows throughout the first half of the Cape Town In-Port Race course on Friday afternoon, before the Chinese-French team grabbed the lead midway through the race and stretched away for their first win in the series.

The victory vaults skipper Charles Caudrelier’s team to second place on the leaderboard for the In-Port Race Series, just behind MAPFRE who retained the overall lead with a fightback second place finish on Friday.

"The team did a fantastic job, very nice boat handling and good speed, so well done to the full team," Caudrelier said after the race.

"Our start was not fantastic, but after that we made a good call to tack a bit earlier and put pressure on Vestas and then we found some good speed. That was a key factor."

© Pedro Martinez/Volvo Ocean Race

Conditions were spectacular on the waters off Cape Town, with wind near 20 knots, under bright, sunny skies. Boat handling was at a premium in the fresh conditions and on the first two laps of the course, there were several very close crosses as the boats approached the turning gates.

Near the end of the second run, Vestas 11th Hour Racing were sailing on an awkward wind angle to the mark and had difficulty furling their big A3 downwind sail in preparation for the rounding.

© Ainhoa Sanchez/Volvo Ocean Race

It didn’t hurt them immediately but when they next tried to deploy the sail at the final top mark, it wouldn’t fully unfurl, and the team was very slow for most of the final run. 

"We started well," said navigator Simon Fisher. "At the second top mark Dongfeng did a great job, pushing us to the less favoured side, which pushed us back into the fleet, which put pressure on the downwind drop, which meant we didn't have a great furl, and that hurt us on the last run. It's just a great example of how things can snowball."

The mistake cost the team two places, as both MAPFRE and team AkzoNobel raced past on the run to the finish.

The second place finish represented a tremendous comeback for MAPFRE who were forced into a penalty turn just before the start, leaving them them the last to get across the line.

© Pedro Martinez/Volvo Ocean Race

But the Spanish team kept pushing its way up the fleet, finally forcing team AkzoNobel away with an aggressive luff near the final top mark, setting the table for the pass of Vestas 11th Hour Racing on the final run.

Further back, Brunel and Scallywag engaged in a luffing match early on the first run. The Umpires penalised Scallywag for an infraction and following the penalty turn, David Witt's team were trailing the fleet.

At the finish, a hard-charging Brunel nearly stole a place from Turn the Tide on Plastic. But Dee Caffari's team, who had a very strong start to the race, held on for fifth place. 

Cape Town In-Port Race Results

1. Dongfeng Race Team
3. team AkzoNobel
4. Vestas 11th Hour Racing
5. Turn the Tide on Plastic
6. Team Brunel
7. Sun Hung Kai / Scallywag

Volvo Ocean Race In-Port Race Series Leaderboard

1. MAPFRE -- 19 points
2. Dongfeng Race Team -- 18 points
3. Team Brunel -- 13 points
4. Vestas 11th Hour Racing -- 12 points
5. team AkzoNobel -- 11 points
6. Sun Hung Kai/Scallywag -- 6 points
7. Turn the Tide on Plastic -- 5 points

Cape Town In-Port Race 180 seconds | Volvo Ocean Race

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