In-Port Race series
The In-Port Races are scored separately from the ocean legs but the series is used as a tie-breaker in the final points tally, so teams will take the discipline very seriously.The races themselves are short, action packed and held as close as possible to land. Winning the start is often the key to victory and the fight for the best starting position in the final minutes before the sound signal can be fascinating.
From the five-minute gun, teams will attempt to force their competitors into a poor start, or even push them on to the wrong side of the starting line. A boat starting early will have to return to the other side of the line.
The crew for the In-Port Race will consist of crew members who sailed the previous leg or who will start in the next leg, with any changes having to be approved by Race Management.
In-Port Races are scheduled in all of the Host Cities, with the exception of Melbourne, a late addition to the route. In Hong Kong, the scores for the In-Port Race on Saturday and the Round the Hong Kong Island Race on Sunday will be added together to give an overall position for the HKG In-Port race. That overall position is scored as one race in the overall Race In-Port series.